Nithimeth Mandee
Third-year student in the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at Mahidol University.
I'm junior developer with a focus on developing software engineer, full-stack development, and cybersecurity. I love to learn new things, pursue new passions, gain experience, and am always ready to develop myself.
66+ 85-317-7659Activities & Competitions
As a student, I actively participate in IT activities and competitions:
Hackathon Alveola Antral Artery Detection In CBCT Images
- Python
- Pytorch
- Torchvision
- Deep Learning
Our team (500OurBrainError) ranked 93/340 in the Thailand Cyber Top Talent 2024 CTF competition by NCSA.
- Web Security
- Penetration Testing
- Capture the Flag (CTF)
MUICT Open House 2023
- Entertainment
Helped teach coding in Python & C programming to high school students.
- Teaching
Web structure.
Web styling.
Client-side scripting language.
Cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code.
JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Tailwind CSS
Utility-first CSS framework.
CSS framework.
React framework for server-side rendering.
What I do to improve my skills:
Huntress CTF
A competitions where I use to practice my CTF skills.
All of my certificates that I have earned:
My team ranked 93/340 in the Thailand Cyber Top Talent 2024 CTF competition by NCSA.
MU My Mind Hackathon: Designed an app to help people with depression.
Basic Javascript for Frontend Developer
Getting Started with DevOps
Basic React 1: Components & JSX
Basic React 2: State & Event
Basic Cybersecurity
Network Security & Cybersecurity
Introduction to Back-end Developer by Node.js
Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing
My Education
Sarasas Witaed Nimitmai School
Grade 1 - 6
Satriwitthaya 2 School
Grade 7 - 12
Mahidol University
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology